Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Tuesday 5th July

Day 4

Another early start for the group as we headed into the Linda compound for our second day of coaching. This was the second day of the public holiday so we were not sure whether we would have any school children to coach or not.
Before we left some of the group decided to join in and help out with some daily chores.

There was a lack of children at each of the schools when we arrived, however, when we turned up at the community ground we were greeted by over 200 children ready and waiting. WHS students quickly organised the children in to the correct age groups and the coaching begun.

After the morning of coaching, we went back to Joseph Linda School where we started our community work. The group split up and armed with paint brushes and rollers, we set about painting the classrooms.

We finished the day with a safari walk to obverse some of the local wildlife.

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