Friday, 8 July 2016

Friday 8th July

Day 7

The last day of coaching before tournament day. Our students had to sort out their teams and perfect their game plans ready for tomorrow. The talent on show was looking impressive which bodes well for the tournament.

After training it was back to Joseph Linda School to finish off the community work and the coaching of the young leaders. We were joined today by ex Zambian international rugby player Tom Chaloba who was helping with the training and imparting some of his skills and knowledge.

After lunch the students made their way to Divine School to give out some donations. As the students lined up, it was clear to see just how pleased the children were to receive a gift.

It was then back to Baobab to organise the tournament and prepare the kit and tag t-shirts before a special Zambian meal that had been prepared for us. The caterpillars certainly went down a treat.

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