Monday, 4 July 2016

Monday 4th July

Day 3

It was an early start for the group with our first day of coaching ahead of us. We headed in to the Linda compound not knowing what to expect as today is a public holiday, so schools were closed. 
We broke in to our coaching groups and headed off to the different school to collect the students. When the first group arrived at Mercy School there were no students to be found! The second group walked to Lily of the Valley School and again found no students waiting. Luckily there were some students waiting at Joseph Linda School so we were off to a start.

We met at the community ground where we would be coaching for the week. Although we were lacking students from the schools this was soon forgotten as there was around 200 children at the community ready and waiting.


Woking High School students jumped straight in and organised the children into groups and started the coaching. The smiles on the faces of the children was clear evidence of the enjoyment shared by all.

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